The Codematician

Welcome to the online presence of Andy R. Terrel, PhD. Here you can find out a few things I share with the world for fame and glory (money-back guaranteed).


Usefulness of a University

Apr 08, 2013 by Andy R. Terrel

The post reiterating that the biggest problem in teaching software carpentry (SWC) is installation, got me all in a tissy. I even signed up for their mailing list!

My first impression with SWC was a wonderful community that in encouraging folks to learn computing skills. After witnessing the TeachScheme movement …

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A Rule of Software on Usabilty

Nov 01, 2012 by Andy R. Terrel

Make your software useful. That is the point without usefulness there is no need for existence.

If you write a function that is not useful, scrub it from your text editors as not to offend the blessed pixels. Do not fear throwing away non-useful parts of your code, better to …

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Python Packaging

Oct 28, 2012 by Andy R. Terrel

There are two major hurdles to Python disrupting the entire HPC work stack: packaging and dynamic loading. Today I want to discuss the packaging issue. While there are many people working on these hurdles, it is my opinion that the community needs to seek out methods to solve these hurdles …

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Thoughts on the SciPy Conference

Oct 08, 2012 by Andy R. Terrel

For SciPy2012 I was given the privilege of serving as the co-chair of the program committee. The experience was exciting and rewarding as I was able to affect what I view as one of the most important conferences for the scientific world. Now, that's a pretty bold statement and I'm …

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Getting started with Python in HPC

Sep 27, 2012 by Andy R. Terrel

Getting to know Python is a pretty hairy task, as is diving into any language. Fortunately Python is considered an easy language to learn and the potential for using it in HPC settings is pretty large. Below I give an introduction to learning, speeding, and scaling Python. Each topic can …

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