SciPy2013 Recap

Jul 05, 2013 by Andy R. Terrel

It's been a week since the end of SciPy2013, where I was co-chair, and I'm just now catching my breath. It was an amazing event with so many innovative and forward looking trends that I won't be able to give them enough credence, ever. When I took on the role as co-chair, my guiding goal was to provide a home to scientific researcher engineers, whether they are in government labs, industry, or academia. Just as William Schroeder said in his keynote, we are the new scientific publishers and are the driving force behind much of the technology that is changing the world.

Favorite Moments

Let me give a list of the best moments for me at SciPy2013, I'm sure I will be commenting on them throughout the year.

  • The SciPy Proceedings have moved to a fully open peer review process for more details see Stefan van der Walt's blog

  • There were a huge number of commits to 18 projects. Including these highlights (mostly gleaned from #scipy2013.)

    • Matplotlib had over a dozen contributors (including a 10K LOC patch review).

    • Scikit-Image now runs on Python 3 and 2 from single code base (without 2to3).

    • IPython developers sequestered themselves to focus on the ever-promised 1.0 released.

    • Contributers to over 16 projects came together to discuss commonalities with the compiler technology that is being reproduced in each other's code.

    • Please let me know of any other major achievements at SciPy2013 sprints. We need to collect these stories to help convince sponsors.

  • We had >350 people attend, >500 people tweeting, social events almost every night, 139 videos including 12 amazing tutorials diving into every aspect of science, and over 6% of the conference either named Matt or from France.

  • Hosted a gathering of Women in Science with a wide array of participants with the help of PyLadies, The Python Software Foundation, and NumFOCUS.

  • Over 10 BoFs that provided for a much more participatory discussion on major topics facing our community.

  • And yet another completely ridiculous lightning talk from Matt Terry.

Once again I want to give a shout out to all our wonderful sponsors! Without them there would be no SciPy conference (or at least one with less BBQ).

Other's words

Also a list of other people discussing the conference: